

  • 2004-09 ~ 2008-06    复旦大学   微电子系     本科
  • 2008-08 ~ 2014-06    美国德州农工大学   材料科学与工程     博士
  • 2014-09 ~ 2017-06    美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室  博士后
  • 功能金属基复合薄膜材料制备及界面调控
  • 复杂极端服役条件下材料性能及智能预测


  • TMS、MRS、MS&T、JMST、ICPDF,分会场主席,特刊编辑,分会委员等  
  • 优秀本科生班主任
  • 烛光奖二等奖
  • 青年岗位能手
  • 校级优秀博士生
  • 校级优秀毕业生
  • J.J. Wang, Z.Y. Wang, K.M. Yang, N.Q. Chen, J.M. Ni, J. Song, Q. Li, F.Y. Sun, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan, “Enhanced heat transport capability across boron nitride/copper interface through inelastic phonon scattering”, Advanced Functional Materials, (2022) In press
  • Y. Liu, K.M. Yang, J. Hay, E.G. Fu, X. Zhang, “The effect of coherent interface on strain rate sensitivity of highly textured Cu/Ni and Cu/V multilayers” Scripta Materialia, 162 (2019) 33-37.
  • K.M. Yang, Y.C. Ma, Z.Y. Zhang, J. Zhu, Z.B. Sun, J.S. Chen, H.H. Zhao, J. Song, Q. Li, N.Q. Chen, H.Y. Ma, J. Zhou, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan, “Anisotropic thermal conductivity and associated heat transport mechanism in roll-to-roll graphene reinforced copper matrix composites”, Acta Materialia, 197 (2020) 342-354.
  • K.M. Yang, Q. Li, Q. Zhang, G.S. Liu, J.J. Wang, Y.F. Yang, C.X. Guo, J.M. Ni, J. Song, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan, “Synergistically enhanced interface stability by graphene assisted copper surface reconstruction” Acta Materialia, 226(2022)117638
  • K.M. Yang, Z.Y. Zhang, H.H. Zhao, B.H. Yang, B.A. Zhong, N.Q. Chen, J. Song, C. Chen, D.W. Tang, J. Zhu, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan “Orientation independent heat transport characteristics of diamond/copper interface with ion beam bombardment” Acta Materialia, 198 (2021) 117283
  • (Review) M. Yang, Y. Liu, T. Fan, D. Zhang, “Metal-graphene interfaces in epitaxial and bulk systems: A review” Progress in Materials Science, 110 (2020) 100652.
  • K.M. Yang, G.S. Liu, H.Y. Ma, J. Song, Q. Li, N.Q. Chen, Y.Q. Wang, D. Chen, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan, “Formation of misfit dislocation arrays and helium nanochannels near copper surface assisted by high-temperature graphene deposition” Acta Materialia, 226 (2022) 118134
  • H. Zhang, J. Zhang, Y. Liu, F. Zhang, T.X. Fan, D. Zhang, “Unveiling the interfacial configuration in diamond/Cu composites by using statistical analysis of metallized diamond surface” Scripta Materialia, 152 (2018), 84-88.
  • 范同祥, 刘悦, 杨昆明, 宋健, 张荻“碳/金属复合材料界面结构优化及界面作用机制的研究进展” 金属学报 2019, 55 (1): 16-32
  • M. Yang, Y. Liu, H. Zhu, F. Zhang, T. Fan, D. Zhang, “Influences of Interfaces on Dynamic Recrystallization and Texture Evolution During Hot Rolling of Graphene Nanoribbon/Cu Composite” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 49 (2018) 6401-6415.
  • Y.N. Hou, K.M. Yang, J. Song, H. Wang, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan “A crystal plasticity model for metal matrix composites considering thermal mismatch stress induced dislocations and twins” Scientific Report 11 (2021) 16053
  • Y. Liu, J. Song, G.S. Liu, J.S. Chen, C.X. Wang, H. Wang, J. Wang, X. Zhang “High Strength and Low Coercivity of Cobalt with Three-Dimensional Nanoscale Stacking Faults” Nano Letters, 21 (2021) 6480-6486
  • K.M. Yang, P.Z. Tang, Q. Zhang, H.Y. Ma, E.Q. Liu, M. Li, X Zhang, J Li, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan “Enhanced defect annihilation capability of the graphene/copper interface: An in situ study” Scripta Materialia, 203 (2021) 114001
  • H.Y. Ma, Y. He, Y. Liu, K. Shin “Effects of precipitation on the scale and grain growth in 9% Cr tempered martensite steel upon steam oxidation” Materials Characterizations 167 (2020) 110497
  • Y. Liu, P.Z. Tang, M.Y. Gong, R.J. McCabe, J. Wang, and C.N. Tomé. “Three-dimensional character of the deformation twin in magnesium” Nature Communications, (2019) 10:3308
  • J.S. Chen, Y. Liu, R.J. McCabe, J. Wang, C.N. Tomé, “Quantifying elastic strain near coherent twin interface in magnesium with nanometric resolution” Materials Characterizations 160 (2020), 110082
  • Q. Li, J. Song, G.S. Liu, Y. Liu, J. Wang, X.Q. Zeng, “Migration kinetics of twinning disconnections in nanotwinned Cu: An in situ HRTEM deformation study” Scripta Materialia, 194 (2021) 113621.
  • J.S. Chen, Y. Zhai, Y. Liu, T.X. Fan, “A new method to reliably determine elastic strain of various crystal structures from atomic-resolution images” Scientific Report, (2019) 9: 16399
  • M. Gong, S. Xu, Y. Jiang, Y. Liu, J. Wang, “Structural Characteristics of {1 0 -1 2} Non-cozone Twin-Twin Interactions in Magnesium” Acta Materialia, 159 (2018) 64-76.
  • 刘悦, 汤鹏正, 杨昆明, 沈一鸣, 吴中光, 范同祥 “抗辐照损伤金属基纳米结构材料界面设计及其响应行为的研究进展”, 金属学报 2021, 57 (2): 150-170.
  • (Review) Y. Liu, N. Li, D. Bufford, J.H. Lee, J. Wang, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “In situ nanoindentation studies on detwinning and work hardening in nanotwinned monolithic metals” JOM, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 68 (2016) 127-135
  • Y. Liu, N. Li, S. Shao, M. Gong, J. Wang, R.J. McCabe, Y. Jiang, C.N. Tomé, “Characterizing the boundary lateral to the shear direction of deformation twins in magnesium”, Nature Communications, 7 (2016) 11577
  • K.Y. Yu, Y. Chen, J. Li, Y. Liu, H. Wang, M.A. Kirk, M. Li, X. Zhang “Measurement of heavy ion irradiation induced in-plane strain in patterned face-centered-cubic metal films: an in situ study” Nano Letters, 16 (2016) 7481-7489
  • (Review) Y. Liu, H. Wang, X. Zhang “In situ TEM nanoindentation studies on stress-induced phase transformations in metallic materials” JOM, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society, 68 (2016) 226-234
  • (Editorial) Y. Liu, X. Zhang “Beyond Indentation Hardness and Modulus: Recent Advances in Nanoindentation Techniques: Part I” JOM, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 69 (2017), 2227-2228
  • Y. Liu, N. Li, M. Arul Kumar. S. Pathak, J. Wang, R.J. McCabe, N.A. Mara, C.N. Tomé. “Experimental quantifying critical stresses associated with basal slip and twinning in magnesium using micro-pillars” Acta Materialia, 135 (2017) 411-421
  • Y. Chen, K.Y. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Shao, H. Wang, M.A. Kirk, J. Wang, X. Zhang “Damage-tolerant nanotwinned metals with nanovoids under radiation environments” Nature Communications, 6 (2015) 7036
  • Z. Fan, J. Jian, Y. Liu, Y. Chen, M. Song, L. Jiao, H. Wang, X. Zhang. “In situ studies on superior thermal stability of bulk FeZr nanocomposites”, Acta Materialia, 101 (2015) 125-135
  • (Review) D. Bufford, Y.M. Wang, Y. Liu, L. Lu “Synthesis and microstructure of nanotwinned materials” MRS bulletin, 41 (2016) 286-291
  • Y. Chen, Y. Liu, E.G. Fu, C. Sun, K.Y. Yu, M. Song, J. Li, Y.Q. Wang, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “Unusual size-dependent strengthening mechanisms in helium ion-irradiated immiscible coherent Cu/Co nanolayers”, Acta Materialia, 84 (2015) 393-404
  • Y. Liu, J. Hay, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “A new method for reliable determination of strain-rate sensitivity of low-dimensional metallic materials (Cu and Ni) by using nanoindentation” Scripta Materialia, 77 (2014) 5-8
  • D. Bufford#, Y. Liu#, J. Wang, H. Wang, and X. Zhang, ”In situ nanoindentation study on plasticity and work hardening in aluminum with incoherent twin boundaries“ Nature Communications, 5, (2014) 4864 (*联合一作)
  • Y. Liu, I. Karaman, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “Two types of martensitic phase transformations in magnetic shape memory alloys by in-situ nanoindentation studies“ Advanced Materials, 26 (2014), 3893-3898
  • Y. Liu, J. Jian, Y. Chen, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “Plasticity and ultra-low stress induced twin boundary migration in nanotwinned Cu by in situ nanoindentation studies” Applied Physics Letters, 104 (2014), 231910
  • Y. Liu, J. Jian, J. H. Lee, C. Wang, Q.P. Cao, C. Gutierrez, H. Wang, J. Z. Jiang, X. Zhang, ”Repetitive ultra-low stress induced nanocrystallization in amorphous Cu-Zr-Al alloy evidenced by in situ nanoindentation“ Materials Research Letters, 2 (2014) 209-216
  • Y. Liu, Y. Chen, K.Y. Yu, H. Wang, J. Chen, X. Zhang “Stacking fault and partial dislocation dominated strengthening mechanisms in highly textured Cu/Co multilayers” International Journal of Plasticity, 49 (2013) 152-163
  • Y. Liu, D. Bufford, S. Rios, H. Wang, J. Chen, J. Y. Zhang, and X. Zhang, “A formation mechanism for ultra-thin nanotwins in highly textured Cu/Ni multilayers”, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 073526 (Highlighted in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Sci. & Tech.)
  • J.Y. Zhang, S. Lei, Y. Liu, J.J. Niu, Y. Chen, G. Liu, X. Zhang, J. Sun, “Length scale-dependent deformation behavior of nanolayered Cu/Zr micropillars”, Acta Matererialia, 60 (2012) 1610-1622
  • Y. Chen, Y. Liu, C. Sun, K. Y. Yu, M. Song, H. Wang, X. Zhang, “Microstructure & strengthening mechanisms in Cu/Fe multilayers”. Acta Materialia, 60 (2012) 6312-6321
  • Y. Liu, D. Bufford, H. Wang, C. Sun, X. Zhang, “Mechanical properties of highly textured Cu/Ni multilayers”, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 1924-1933